I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu
I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu

I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager - I-Portable and Intelligent Foot Massager yokuphumula kanye nokukhulula ubuhlungu

Intengo evamile R 495.00 Intengo yokuthengisa R 595.00

I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager (10006244)

I-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager iyisisetshenziswa esishintshashintshayo esidizayinelwe ukuhlinzeka ngomuzwa opholile futhi ovuselelayo wokubhucungwa kwezinyawo. Lesi massager esiphathekayo nesigoqekayo sihlanganisa ubuchwepheshe obukhaliphile obuqondise amaphuzu athile okucindezela ezinyaweni zakho, ehlisa ukushuba, ekhuthaza ukujikeleza kwegazi, futhi enciphisa ukukhathala ezinyaweni. Ngezindlela eziningi zokubhucunga kanye namazinga okuqina, ungenza ngokwezifiso isikhathi sakho sokubhucungwa ngokuya ngokuthanda kwakho. Umsebenzi wokushisa owakhelwe ngaphakathi wengeza izinga elengeziwe lokuphumula futhi usiza ekudambiseni ubuhlungu bemisipha. Idizayini ehlangene futhi engasindi yalokhu kubhucunga unyawo kuyenza ifaneleke ukusetshenziswa ekhaya, ehhovisi, noma ngenkathi usohambeni. Kulula ukuyisebenzisa nokuyigcina, iqinisekisa ukuthi ungajabulela i-massage yonyawo lokwelapha noma nini lapho uyidinga. Tshala imali ku-Intelligent Foldable Foot Massager futhi unikeze izinyawo zakho ezikhathele ukutotoswa okubafanele!

Yabelana ngalo Mkhiqizo

Okuningi okuvela kuleli qoqo