Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights
Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights
Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights
Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights
Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights
Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights

Thuthukisa I-Grille Yemoto Yakho nge-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights

Intengo evamile R 250.00 R 0.00

4pcs ABS Plastic Car Amber LED Lights for Front Grille with Harness - Amber with Clear Lens (10006301)

Thuthukisa ukubukeka kwemoto yakho ngalawa ma-4pc ABS Plastic Car Grille Amber LED Lights. Enziwe ngepulasitiki yekhwalithi ephezulu ye-ABS, lezi zibani ziqinile futhi kulula ukuzifaka. Amalambu e-amber LED engeza ukuthinta okusesitayeleni kugrille yemoto yakho, okuqinisekisa ukubonakala okuthuthukile nokuphepha emgwaqeni. Ilungele abathanda izimoto nanoma ubani ofuna ukwengeza ukuthinta kwesitayela emotweni yabo.

Ukufaneleka: I-Universal Fit ye-SUV yokulanda ngaphandle komgwaqo

Izici: * Amalambu e-ABS angaphambili egrille, aqinile, angangeni emanzini futhi angangenwa uthuli, angasetshenziswa nangezinsuku zemvula, akhulise ukuphepha kokushayela futhi athuthukise ukubukeka kwemoto. (Qaphela: amalambu e-LED kuphela, i-grille ayifakiwe.) * Ukusekelwa kwemoto ye-Universal 12V-24V. Ifake ku-grille yangaphambili yemoto yakho, noma ungayifaka nge-DIY kwenye indawo. * Ukonga amandla: Isibani segrille sisebenzisa uhlobo olusha lwewikhi ye-LED enamandla aphakathi, enenani eliphansi lekhalori, impilo ende kanye nokuvikelwa kwemvelo okwengeziwe ngaphansi kwesimo sokuqinisekisa ukukhanya.

Ukucaciswa: Igama: I-Front Grille Light Material: I-PVC Voltage: 12V-24V Umthombo wokukhanya: 12LED Amandla omthombo wokukhanya: 5W Umbala Wokukhanya: I-Amber (Ophuzi) Amamodeli asebenzayo: Ubuningi Bomhlaba Wonke: 4pcs Umbala Wegobolondo: Sula Ilensi

Okuqukethwe Kwephakheji:
Izibani ze-LED ze-4Pc
I-1pc Power Harness

Yabelana ngalo Mkhiqizo

Okuningi okuvela kuleli qoqo