I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System
I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System

I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR: I-Advanced Vehicle Surveillance and Monitoring System

Intengo evamile R 2,795.00 R 0.00

I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR - Sekela Ukubuka Okubukhoma Okukude nge-PC (10006714)

I-Bewin S2 Dual Camera AI 4G GPS Wifi Intelligent Vehicle Dash Camera DVR iwuhlelo lokugada nokuqapha olusezingeni eliphezulu lwezimoto. Ifakwe ubuhlakani bokwenziwa obusezingeni eliphezulu, inikezela ngamakhono okuqopha amakhamera amabili, okuvumela ukumbozwa okuphelele kwakho kokubili ukubukwa kwangaphambili nangemuva kwemoto. Amamojula ahlanganisiwe e-4G ne-GPS anika amandla ukulandelela ngesikhathi sangempela nokuqapha okukude, okwenza kube yisixazululo esifanelekile sokuphathwa kwemikhumbi nezinjongo zokuphepha. Nge-Wi-Fi eyakhelwe ngaphakathi, abasebenzisi bangafinyelela kalula futhi badlulise amavidiyo asuka kumadivayisi abo eselula.

I-Bewin S2 yakhelwe ukuhlinzeka ngokuqoshwa kwevidiyo kwekhwalithi ephezulu, ngisho nasezimeni eziphansi zokukhanya, iqinisekisa izithombe ezicacile nezinemininingwane ngaso sonke isikhathi. Ngezici zayo ezihlakaniphile nokwakhiwa okuqinile, le DVR yekhamera yedeshi iyithuluzi elithembekile lokuthuthukisa ukuphepha nokuvikeleka emgwaqeni.

S2 AI Dash Cameraububanzi=


Into Amapharamitha
Uhlelo Ulimi IsiShayina/IsiNgisi
Isistimu esebenzayo I-Linux
Isixhumi esibonakalayo Iwebhu noma uhlelo lokusebenza lweselula
Iphrosesa CPU I-ARM Dual-Core processor@1.5GHz
Inkumbulo I-DDR2Gb
I-Flash 2Gb
Ividiyo/Irekhodi Okokufaka kwevidiyo Ngaphambili 1080P, ngemuva 1080P
Ifomethi yevidiyo H.264/H.265
Isixazululo 1080P, 720P, D1 ngokuzithandela, ingqikithi yombhalo wekhodi wezinsiza 1080P 60 ozimele
Ikhwalithi Itholakala kumaleveli 1-4
Imodi Yokuqopha Rekhoda ekuqaleni
Umsindo Okokufaka komsindo I-MIC eyakhelwe ngaphakathi
Okukhipha umsindo Isikhulisi esakhelwe ngaphakathi, isipikha se-2W esakhelwe ngaphakathi
Ifomethi yomsindo G.711A
4G Yakhelwe ngaphakathi kwe-4G, TDD-LTE, FDD-LTE
I-WiFi I-WiFi eyakhelwe ngaphakathi ukuze ubuke amavidiyo kanye nemingcele yokumisa
I-GPS Gmouse GPS
Inzwa ye-G Inzwa yokusheshisa eyakhelwe ngaphakathi engu-3-eksisi
I-SOS Ukusekela
I/O okukhiphayo Isekela ukuphuma kwe-alamu engu-1 ye-I/O
Imbobo ye-serial I-S22 isekela i-2 RS232. Ingaxhunywa kuzinzwa zezinga likawoyela, izifundi zekhadi le-RFID, njll
Thuthukisa i-Firmware Sekela ikhadi le-TF kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwe-firmware ye-FTP
Itheku Ikhadi le-TF Ukwesekwa okuphezulu kwekhadi le-512G TF
I-USB Ukusekela
Ikhadi le-SIM 1 Imbobo ye-SIM khadi
I-algorithm ye-AI (3 izinketho 2) I-ADAS I-FCW, LDW, HMW, PCW
I-DSM Ukubhema, ukwenza izingcingo, ukuzamula, ukozela, ukuphazamiseka, umshayeli ongabonwa, amakhamera avimbile, ukuhlonza izibuko zelanga, amabhande ezihlalo
Ukubonwa kobuso FR
Amandla Abaphathi Okokufaka kwamandla e-broadband okuguquguqukayo nemisebenzi yokuvikela efana nokulayisha ngokweqile, i-voltage engaphansi, isifunda esifushane, nokuxhumeka okubuyela emuva.
I-voltage yokufaka I-DC:+9V ~ +36V
Ukusetshenziswa Umsebenzi ojwayelekile <5W (ngaphandle kwama-peripherals)
Imvelo Izinga lokushisa -20 ℃ ukuze +70 ℃
Umswakama 20% kuya ku-80%
Inethiwekhi/Inkundla JT/T808-2013, JT/T808-2019, JT/T1076-2016, JT/T1078-2016

UKULANDA IMANUWALI YOMSEBENZISI - imanuwali yomsebenzisi we-Dashcam

Yabelana ngalo Mkhiqizo

Okuningi okuvela kuleli qoqo