Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA
Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit: Control and Automate Your Home with Ease - Electromann SA

Andowl Q-L440 Tuisoutomatiseringskit: Beheer en outomatiseer jou huis met gemak

Regular price R 500.00 Sale price R 1,200.00

Andowl Q-L440 Tuisoutomatiseringstel (10003400)

Die Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit is die uiteindelike oplossing om jou huis in 'n slim huis te omskep. Met hierdie stel kan jy verskeie toestelle, soos ligte, termostate en sekuriteitstelsels, met jou slimfoon of stemopdragte beheer en outomatiseer. Dit bied naatlose integrasie met gewilde slimhuisplatforms, wat versoenbaarheid met 'n wye reeks toestelle verseker. Die stel bevat 'n sentrale spilpunt, slimproppe en sensors, sodat jy jou huis van enige plek kan monitor en beheer. Met sy gebruikersvriendelike koppelvlak en gevorderde kenmerke bied die Andowl Q-L440 Home Automation Kit gerief, gerief en sekuriteit om jou alledaagse lewenservaring te verbeter.

U kan ook hierdie IP-kamera "opsioneel" byvoeg wat u in staat sal stel om regstreekse video vanaf die IP-kamera-ligging op afstand te bekyk, asook 'n draadlose alarmstelsel te hê en toestelle via die mobiele toepassing aan en af ​​te skakel.

Andowl Q-A276 Intelligente HD 5.0MP Wifi IP-kamera

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